Baby's Stay Can Make A Long Day
Not that I don't love, like and generally enjoy the little ones, but a one year old has a knack of dominating the time and lives of two people. The GM (you can decide for your self whether that means General Manager or Grand Mother, I've made my own determination) was the young lady's favorite for most of the last year, probably because she was the one that did most of the feeding, playing and diaper changing. Not that I didn't serve in said capacity frequently when the BROOK was here. Brook Thomae is the handle. No e please.
Anyway, last Monday while we were watching her (we watch her one to three days a week while her mom works) I fired up the games PC we keep for the grand kids and put a pre-kindergarten "Jump Start" CD on, hauled Brook up on my lap and ran through the various activities on the CD. Instant karma! Now, as soon as I head to my den to "do my thing" (write checks, check my e-mail, surf, hide, etc.) there is the pitter-pat of tiny bare feet heard down the hall, a tiny hand tugging my jean leg with an "enh enh" ringing in the air as she points to the game PC. Up in my lap she comes as we roll across the floor to the game PC ( I have an office chair in the den - after parking my butt in one for forty years, I have become accustomed).
I fire up the game and we play the various activities for maybe ten or fifteen minutes and she wants down. I cancel the game and get started on what I had in mind only to hear the pitter-pat, the tug and the "enh enh". Back on the lap, roll to the game PC, restart the game and viola! She wants down to go find the GM and interrupt whatever she, the GM, is doing.
This goes on all day except for nap time, eating time and play with GM and Papa watching time. The latter being several periods, about an hour at a time, spaced throughout the day. Don't cha love it!
Actually, I do.
There are many frustrations, disappointments and general malaise in getting old. But having grandchildren is not one of them for me. We have been blessed with a grandson, now fourteen, and a granddaughter, now one, plus two step-granddaughters aged fifteen and ten by our second oldest son and two granddaughters aged seven and five from our oldest son. Our youngest son, world traveler, writer, artist and bon vivant married a lovely Romanian lass last year. Time will tell if anything transpires there as he is less than comfortable in the presence of babes. Less than five year olds, that is.
I could go on about aching ankles and knees, degrading strength and agility, etc. etc. but that would bore me as much as it would bore you. Let me repeat my mothers mantra, who is still mantra-ing at ninety two, "Growing old isn't for cowards". In the decade after I qualified for Social Security, I began to understand her message.
Anyway, while I doubt that anyone but me will ever read these ramblings, let it be said that aches and pains are better than the alternate of the "long sleep". Plus, one would miss all the great interactions I have enjoyed with my sons, their wives and our grandchildren. I wouldn't miss this stage of my life for nada.
Okay, enough of that. What next beer belly?
I won't bore you with the issues and problems that a small city councilperson deals with. But I will say to any and all that might stumble on these ramblings, that if you ever get a chance to serve on a city council, preferably a smaller city council, grab it! You learn more about how things get done, the surprises one can get when buying property - or more accurately, after buying property from city planned projects. One should always visit their city's engineer, mayor or city administrator before signing on the dotted line. The realtor doesn't always know or some avoid knowing about upcoming street replacement, sidewalk projects, storm water projects, etc. that end up being direct assessments to the property owners. Some real education opportunities there, let me tell you.
Anyway, I are one and in future ramblings I may blow some steam about that venue. There are things that frustrate. But by and large, the citizens we have the pleasure of dealing with are mostly polite, articulate and willing to compromise. Yes, there are some real nasty folk in the city, but they are very few compared to the number of people we come in contact with. It is a real satisfying activity that I do recommend to each and every one.
Well, we are rambling for sure now, so it is obviously time to quit. Be good.
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