Not To Bore; But On Dreams There's More
Another restless night and another series of off-the-wall dreams. I'll get off this kick soon, I promise. If I get a good night's sleep, I usually don't remember what I was dreaming.
But, as I said, another restless night. I first awoke about midnight and watched the clock step through the minutes until somewhere around two twenty I either went to sleep or lost interest. Anyway, I spent most of that time puzzling over the dream I had earlier.
It was the work environment at a company I had worked at for twelve or more years. I was having some computers moved and others replaced in a "hand-me-down" fashion. There was a guy from maintenance and a rep from the "Information Management" (IM) department with me.
As we left my office area, my administrative assistant was giving remodeling orders to someone and they were arguing that it would cost too much. I remember thinking that I would have to get involved once I got the computer changes complete.
I won't go through all of the steps that I remember our going through, in terms of relocating machines on several floors, but two occurrences were strong in my mind when I awoke. One was the running debate I was having the IM troop who was very unhappy that I was reallocating all the good machines to my personnel and only letting the junkers go back to IM. I was getting irritated with him as the machines had been purchased out of my budget and IM had been trying to take the new ones all along.
The other strong memory was from an maintenance admin that handed me a requisition to sign that would have charged me eight hours for the two hours of labor the maintenance guy would spend on my project. I told her that I wouldn't sign anything like that, but it wasn't her problem nor would I debate with her over it. I told her I could see adding a couple of hours for the overhead of getting equipment and going to location, but that six hours was totally unreasonable. I also told her I would go to the department head and argue it out with him. The admin was happy with that saying the department head was better now and would be up for the discussion. Somehow I knew the department head had been very sick.
Here's where things start getting fuzzy because it was about here I woke up. I do remember walking the halls toward where I thought the department heads' office and someone telling me that it was a different person and in a different place. Then I happened to glance down and realized I was wearing only a T-Shirt and it was wearing spills from my supper the night before. I knew I had to go home and dress properly before anyone saw me and ....... I was awake.
As I said, I laid there watching the LED clock measure the minutes until sometime after two. Then I apparently went to sleep and had a second dream that is a bit vague to me now. I do know that we, my wife and I, were organizing things for our three boys. I can't tell now whether it was memorabilia or materials for school or jobs. We were having to go back and reopen the containers to add stuff or to move stuff from one boy's container to another. Then the containers became picture albums and I realized that we couldn't change them.
Then I was staring at the clock again and it was three ten. I continued to watch the digits come and go until near four AM when I must have dropped off to sleep again. Another dream, another scenario that was completely different than the previous ones.
In this dream, I was following my youngest son, driving a Jeep - which could have been his car - while he and his wife or girlfriend, I wasn't clear on which, were driving a vehicle ahead of me. He entered into a spiral ramp similar to a road going up to a mountain top. At the base, the road was "snaky" with curves but as you got closer to the top, the curves became sharper to where they were almost spikes going out and back. I remember hearing him comment to his wife/passenger "Wow, these are really tight turns" when he was the loop directly above me.
I remember thinking that with the wide track of the Jeep I would not be able to navigate as far up as could he when I realized I was looking at the clock again and it was seven twenty AM.
End of sleep and end of story.
I have heard that there are those who can remember all their dreams. My youngest son claims to be able to as he has made a practice of jotting down his dreams each morning. He anticipates using the material in a book some day. He has published two books, one self published and the other published by a publishing company. He hopes to become a full time writer and gathers information from diverse areas.
I suspect that if one could get a full capture of their dreams, night after night, and if each dream would be complete in a plot, it could make for a fascinating book. However, I know in my case that most dreams "transition" such that I may start out in a business environment but segue into some completely different venue. I can remember pieces of dreams where I did just that.
Once I was going down to the basement to play a game of some kind but when I got into the basement, it was a conference room and I was immediately involved in a meeting there. It's been so long ago that I don't remember what we were meeting about, whether the basement was supposed to be my house or any other particulars. I just remember wondering after I had awaken about the shift of scenes and format in the dream.
Well, this subject has been thoroughly beaten with a stick, so let's let it die a peaceful death.