I Could Hate-cher Ma Nature
Oh yuck! Got up this morning to 5 or 6 inches of snow! This after getting a tease last week of fifty and sixty degree weather. I'll bet Ma Nature's ears burned this morning as I trudged back and forth on a ninety foot drive with my reliable old Toro Sno-Master.
Usually, I can get two to three seasons out of the paddles and scraper, but not so with this past two winters. We have had more snow than I have seen since the mid/late sixties when I moved up to Iowa. I try to stretch them out as long as I can since each set now costs about a third of what I paid for the snow thrower to start with. But the previous snow storm convinced me I had to do something now.
So, I trudged up to Midway Outdoor Equipment and signed over the equivalent of a week's wage when I first seriously entered the labor market. That was in February and it was cold, cold, cold. So I tossed the parts on my work bench to await a nicer day.
As I mentioned, we got some summer teaser weather a week or so ago and for some reason, I got off my lazy butt and installed the new parts on the snow thrower. Hallelujah brother! Did that make a difference this morning. That and the fact all of the frost heaves have settled since the last time I had to clear snow. It was relatively easy going except for the fact there was six inches of heavy, sloppy snow. Snow blowers don't like heavy sloppy snow. They tend to choke up on the issue. (Will he ever stop with the corny puns?)
Well, I suppose I didn't really have all that much to do today, yet I haven't sat my butt in this chair at the PC as much as I am wont to do. Snow blow the drive and shovel the stoops, go to the grocery for the weeks groceries, go to Sam's for some impulse buying of meats and stuff, make a meat loaf and finally, sit down at the PC only to realize that I haven't done a blog in weeks. I said in the last one that I wouldn't write anymore about dreams so guess what. I have had a series of the weirdest dreams I can imagine. But, a promise made is a promise kept, so I was taught in the Boy Scouts of America.
Ironically, I found I didn't have anything to blog about since I shut off the dream stories. And so, weeks of silence. Not that anyone but me reads these things.
I don't share the blog address as do many of my friends and kin. There are a couple that I follow tenaciously, like Wannabe Musher. She is a professional writer and photog, so she has the skills to write entertaining mini-essays and she is very unconventional and self admittedly focused on her wants and joys. A lot of it is good, but there are some injured feelings and broken hearts along the way I suspect. Still, I follow her stories as they are the essence of living your dreams.
I have wondered about people's fascination with blogs. I follow several actually, Jill, the Wannabe Musher, my niece's blog "Kat's Litterbox" and my youngest son's "Cruise Confidential". All of them are better writers than I but I like pretending to prose.
Maybe, if I blogged about my reactions to some of the things that are occurring on the City Council where I am a member, or progress reports when I run for election - I was appointed a year or so ago - I could have material for blogging. But, since this IS a public forum, I had best stick with innocuous topics of which I know little.
Having said, it is obvious to me that I don't have anything to add today, so this is sayonaro.
The Grump